Saturday, January 18, 2014


How can intellectual perseverance be important as you progress in your studies? How does that relate to my concept of being a good leader?

Intellectual perseverance is the ability to work through a situation or perhaps an issue, despite the setbacks and challenges that come with it. It is the ability to rationalize and discover unanswered questions through time and reflection. It is process of remain calm and collected when a situation is changing.

Understanding intellectual perseverance is important in the academic world, especially when a student is expanding into a higher education program. When enrolled in a class it is important that the student be able to work with a variety of other students and to be able to interact despite the inability to agree with another students views or opinions. Hard work, determination and selflessness are great attributes that a student can learn over time that will help him or her in their studies. Intellectual perseverance is a mature way of handling a situation or adversity that may be faced at some point. Keeping a open mind and using every method available to the student is a great way to handle situations.

Personally, intellectual perseverance is going to be important because there will be times, I'm sure, where my workload may seem like it is to much and there isn't enough time to complete it. I'm sure some of the material will be hard to understand. It will be key for me to remain calm and ask questions as well as interact with other students to help me achieve my ultimate goal, graduating. I expect to learn good leadership fundamentals that incorporate intellectual perseverance also. When I think of a good leader, I think of someone who is able to get through any situation with minimal loss and integrity, Good leadership and intellectual perseverance go hand in hand.

I think all students have at one time or another worked in a group project. Imagine at some point in that project you can't agree with another student on some key fundamental piece of the project, a wall. Intellectual perseverance is the ability to acknowledge you're standing in front of a wall but then discovering through patience and insight how to climb over that wall. 

Intellectual perseverance is a new concept to me. Usually, in tough academic situations, I look for the easiest way out of that scenario. It is easier to pass up the hard work and get an average grade then in would be to work harder and find a solution using determination and reflection. Incorporating that into the perceived image I have of good leaders is easy to do. I consider a good leader as someone who can first, identify the goal of a certain situation and know what needs to be done. Second, they understand what is needed to move forward and they understand who and what they have to work with. Third, they can encourage and or lead by example in that situation. Lastly, a good leader has the innate ability to review and analyze the task they just completed and form conclusions that help understand possible areas of improvement for next time. 

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