Saturday, February 14, 2015


    Why did NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe address NASA employees to describe the plan to bring about proposed changes to NASA's culture?

The main reason Mr. O'Keefe wanted to come on and talk about the changes is because of the recent accident that they were dealing with. There were a lot of questions surrounding the culture of NASA and they wanted to determine where the breakdown came from and what they could do better moving on. It was important to present that data to the public and to address what their intentions were moving forward.

Was he believable? Is it important whether he appeared to be believable?

      Personally, I feel as though he was believable and that the information he presented was genuine. I feel that they actually took the appropriate time to understand the culture and where the potential break downs were coming from. What I found interesting is that he talked about how on paper, they felt like they had a good operating culture but in practice they weren’t living up to it. He said employees were afraid to come forward with safety information or go to higher levels within their department at that time and that is something they were going to address.

Why did he talk about NASA values?

      He talked about the passion and the drive that NASA has and I think he had to do that so there doesn’t seem to be any negligence or shortcomings on their part. The accident itself basically formed the basis for why he discussed what he did. I think he wants the viewer to understand their intent and their motivation in being safe and productive.

What can you take away from this exercise to immediately use in your career?

What I think pertains the most to our organization is the concept of not letting anything stop with you. What I mean is, if you have some information that has safety implications, you should be able to present that information without fear or repercussions. Recently, the FAA has moved to that sort of program. The problem with the program is that when you actually report something, they can pinpoint who was working where and they’ll always know who to talk to. People don’t want to risk their career over something they might deem small. That small thing however could grow into something larger. I will try to apply this process of keeping information flowing here at our facility. Maybe we can determine where the information stops.

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