Sunday, March 1, 2015


I personally think that he has his work cut out for him. I say that because when you're talking about taking two successful companies and then try to get a culture that only focuses on the positives of those companies, you're being misleading and misunderstanding of the culture. What I mean is, I think that you have to be cautious moving forward. Although you always want to focus on the positives, you need to acknowledge the negatives in order to be more successful and to guide the cultural changes away from those wrongs. I think if he was to really push the punishment side of things, he could weed out the people who are not improving cultural influences and unhappiness.

In the video he talks about things being easier when people trust you and are happy with you. I think he's going to have a barrier there. There are going to be people who don't trust you, who don't know enough about you or people that don't just plain like you. Although he wants a culture that is positive, its very hard to get everyone on board and to be trusting of your vision. He goes onto talk about letting employees know that you appreciate them and that they're part of the success of the organization. I find a large hurtle he'll have to overcome is getting over past cultural impacts and any negatives that people perceive of him or the future of the company. It all goes back to trust, how can people trust you when they haven't worked under you long enough?

What I think applies the most from what he was saying to my career today is, he talked about making the best use out of the systems that he knew to be already successful. He was talking about getting next generation technologies moving along and to make things more efficient and acceptable to consumers and commuters. My particular field is focused on making sure everyone has access to next generation technology and protecting the flying public. Additionally, making a safe and friendly culture where trust and happiness is first, is another exceptional task that my company has to undertake to stay relevant and up to date.

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