Sunday, March 16, 2014


This class has truly opened my eyes to a lot of things. First, I have learned that there are many different perspectives in any scenario. That means that people aren't always thinking the same way I am. It is interesting now to be able to look at a situation, think about it and think about how others perceive it, and then make a more informed decision or assumption about it. I've learned to listen more and to not assume people are always thinking the same way I am. I find it interesting to think about thinking while we're thinking it. I don't quite rush to judgement about anything like 9 weeks ago. It means that in the future I'll be able to be more calm in stressful situation and rationalize with whoever I'm dealing with.

I think that Dr. Watkins was a great teacher. Her insight and knowledge helped our class and myself ten fold. The topics covered were very interesting to learn about. unlike lower lever classes, I felt more engaged and like I actually learned some substantial insight. It would have been beneficial for me to spend more time looking into some class topics more. I find that I did the course work to the best of my ability but learning often requires going outside the class materials and finding things on my own. Overall, I loved this class. I found to to be engaging and refreshing! I would love to work with this teacher again and I'll always think about thinking!

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