Sunday, March 9, 2014


I learned a lot this week, looking into these new and interesting formats in which we can present. With all the technology now, a person is really able to get creative with presentation design. I found it interesting that there are actually so many different versions and formats to help presenters out. I happen to use Prezi's website. It was incredible and very easy to use. In order for a good presentation to be effective, the reader must be engaged and interested in the topic matter. In my presentation, I tried to use a variety of colors and shapes. I tried not to over do anyone color of theme because in past presentations I've encountered, there was just way to much going on and I felt lost. Having the ability to organize useful information easily is important to users. Presentations need to well constructed, professional and to the point. To my "fluff" can really kill the presenters ability to hold onto an audience. Designing a comprehensible, slowing presentation is important to the successful passing of knowledge to the audience. Presentation design can make or break someone's success in the real world. A well presented design can really reach out and grab the audience and get them involved. If the design is lacking or poor, you could loose people instantaneously. Overall, presentation design is interesting. It is a true art to master. People will either look forward to your presentations or they'll dread them!

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