Friday, June 13, 2014


Assuming that these leadership behaviors are appropriate at all levels of organizations, do you use these behaviors in your work with others? Subordinates? If so, how are they effective in producing results? If not, could they be added to your personal repertoire of leadership behaviors?

So after this week's reading, and to be honest, I don't or haven't intentionally used any of these techniques. At least not in the sense that I knew about them and then applied them. I would however say that I have used some of them indirectly. Here are some examples:

Observe operations directly - Being an air traffic controller, I have the opportunity to monitor and evaluate people as they move through our evaluation process. With that in mind, I am often in the postilion to monitor the operations and the procedures being implemented at our facility. Although I am not in a leadership role, I am able to offer my criticisms and praises when they come. Likewise, my coworkers do the same. That makes us stronger controllers in general.

Show acceptance and positive regard - I have been on both sides of this particular guideline. In the Navy, I was a supervisor in the tower. There were many times when people more senior to me, were having a hard time grasping the whole air traffic control concept. I think it meant a lot to them when someone would take the time and tell them that they have the abilities they need to be successful and that you want them on your tower team. On the flip side, those people were often supportive of me being promoted and would help me in that perspective. In both cases, we each helped the overall goal of the team.

Be willing to help with personal problems - I wasn't sure if this actually happened in the actual business world. This is actually, to me, one of the best techniques a leader can employ to help his business or position succeed. How can someone be successful or succeed if they're to occupied with third party concerns? I think to be successful you have to show that you're willing and able to help coworkers and subordinates succeed. If a company is willing to help one worker, all of the workers see that and might in turn help the business thrive.

To finalize, there were some techniques that I learned this week that I could try and utilize to be more successful in the future. I could do a way better job of bolstering people's self-esteem and confidence. I, like other people wanted to get ahead in life. I personally believe that I have probably hurt some people's feelings or not boosted people up when I should have. I'm not saying I did that intentionally, I think it was the nature of the environment I was in. I need to try and be aware of other people's feeling and help them succeed. If I was more willing to help other people, they might be willing (or others) might be more willing to help me later.

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