Friday, June 20, 2014


Demonstrate your knowledge of the theory of power and influence

Power and influence are all around us,used by each and every person. Understanding that principle can be rewarding or it can be a negative. Mostly however, the people that know how to utilize power and influence are much more successful and they can choose methods to help themselves and their company succeed. The ability to understand people and their strengthens and weaknesses allows leaders to be most effective. In the reading it mentioned that if a company is in major need or change, there may be more need for a powerful leader. When a leader is to powerful however, they simply forget to use skills such as persuasion and consultation (Yukl, 2013). There are several different ways to use power, those are dictated by specific situations and personnel. Likewise, the ability to show influence is equally important. People need a boost sometimes. Like power, there are a number of ways in which someone can influence a person or situation. In order for a leader to be effective, they need to demonstrate the ability to both use their power effectively and influence people or situations when needed.

Reflect on the power that you personally bring to your work place; What are the sources of that power? What is the nature of that power? How is it used or not used? How is that power related to your ability to lead or follow?

For me personally, there are some circumstances that allow me to be in a power role. One of those being when I'm in charge of a tower cab and all the airport operations. I feel that legitimate power is gained here. In these situations, I'm in a work power role. I'm directly responsible for everything that is happening. Although I am not the overall boss, in these cases, I'm in charge. Second, have an expertise allows me the ability to have some expert power. In some cases, there are questions that get brought up about technique or knowledge. In those cases and when my boss is unavailable, I can step into the power role. Offering my expertise on a specific situation. Lastly, when I'm running the tower, I am in an ecological power position. Here, i am in charge of everything, like mentioned before. That means that I have all of the abilities needed to run technological sources and that gives me the ability to influence other tower team members.

I feel as though those power traits are helping shape me as a leader. Understanding that they are actual traits and that I can specifically try to change my approach to them has helped me become a better follower. As odd as that might sound, I can better understand my boss's approach even if he doesn't understand the techniques he's using. By me identifying them, I can choose which one of those will help make me a better leader. When I do have the opportunity to lead a group, I will be able to apply my gained knowledge and apply techniques that I have observed as successful in the past. This ultimately makes me a stronger leader without having to actually be in the leadership role.

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