Friday, July 4, 2014


What was the point of the research?After completing the reading, it was clear to me that the point of the research was to help the reader understand the breakdown in leadership communication through electronic means. It became clear that there is a breakdown of participation and follower-ship when a management level  employee was communicating with their subordinates via electronic communication methods, i.e., email or video conferencing. Additionally, there was findings that directly related satisfaction and intellectual stimulation. 

What were the hypotheses?The authors hypothesis included (first study) that "both laissez-faire and management by exception styles may be especially relevant to a remote leadership environment" (Kelloway, 2012). In the second study their hypothesis was "that individuals that were exposed to e-mail messages containing a charismatic or intellectually stimulating message would express higher levels of performance on a laboratory  task than individuals who received e-mail instructions that did not contain these aspects of transformational leadership"(Kelloway, 2012).

What was the research method used?A vignette approach in which groups of students each read one vignette, with one type of leadership message embedded. Using the outcome, they were able to determine the divergent validity. In the second study "data was collected from 105 undergraduate psychology students at a Canadian university. Each participation received two bonus points towards their course grade in return for participation"(Kelloway, 2012). This included a problem solving exercise and reading a short scenario to collect data.

Were the results supportive of the research goals?In case one, they found that there was a direct relation to satisfaction and interpersonal justice. The data being so detailed and number orientated, it was hard to determine if there was any actual substantial findings for this case study. Personally, I believe that they did actually find some correlation between the research points they looked into. Case two; they found that there was no change in the way readers responded to the e-mails. They basically found what they predicted, people reacted to the e-mail based on the content. This would lead me to conclude that people respond to the information that they read, even in an e-mail.

Of what value was the research?I think there was substantial value to the research. With the ever changing business plans of companies and the need to utilize technology more, there has to be value to this research. Basically what I'm taking away from this week is that there is not always an upside to communicating with your employees via electronic communication or inter personal methods. There is value in being able to physically interact with your employees. Each research piece presented to us this week laid out that people respond better when their leader is with them in the "fight". How can someone be included as a leader when they're video conferencing and e-mailing. Just as the example talked about the CEO, there were negative downsides from his reaction to the people coming and going to early.There was no positive from being scolded over an e-mail platform. In my additional research, they mention giving your team some space to see them grow. They state "Give your team some space, trust them, and you might be impressed by what they’re able to achieve (Hendricks, 2014). What i think he means there is that people need space as in room to work, not physical space. People and employees need to know that their leader is just as involved as they are in any situation. That cannot happen in an electronic environment.

Hendricks, D. (2014, January 27). 6 Ways To Empower Your Employees With Transformational Leadership. Forbes. Retrieved July 2, 2014, from

Kelloway, K., Barling, J., Kelley, E., Comtois, J., & Gatien, B. Remote Transformational Leadership. . Retrieved July 1, 2014, from

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