Friday, July 11, 2014


Thinking about my leadership skill set and core values this week helped me to better understand what is important to me and what beliefs may help serve me better as a leader. Until graduate school, I had never really taken the time to examine me, as a perspective leader and I didn't have the ability to look at situations from other people's perspective. Since then, and in this class in particular, I am now able to better understand how I'm effective as a potential manager. Relating this question back to the reading this week, I have a strong belief in God. The relationship I have with God helps shape my ethical and moral compass. This moral compass allows me the opportunity to make sound decisions in business as well as in life. This ability allows me to not hold any prejudice or unwillingness to work with others. Another core value I associate to myself would be hard work/discipline.  Discipline allows me to stay focused on the important tasks at work and the hard work allows me to use that focus to complete the task. Sometimes, leaders are not always focused on what they can do for others an they tend to only finish what they need to get done. I think I have the ability to assist people with their issues, whether that be in the workplace or not. After last week's reading, it is important for anyone who is a leadership role to make sure people know the main objective of a project (or whatever task) and that they can trust you. if you couple that with transparency and my hard work, I can say that I provide a skill set that other leaders may not. according to a source, an effective and good leader can "have integrity and character to complement your ability to get things done. It’s easy to do the right thing when you have an audience, but it takes courage and strength of character to do the right thing when you’re alone. Stay true to your values even when everyone around you is floundering, or when popular opinion goes against what you know in your heart to be right" (Smith, 2013). I believe that my skill set directly relates to that belief.To be an effective leader, I now know that I can reflect on myself by using criticism from others and then think back to the knowledge I've gained through my studies this far. The ability to look into yourself is something that is invaluable and unique. It makes good leaders, great leaders. To summarize, consider this quote about successful leaders, "An optimistic leader has hopeful expectations for the future and embraces challenges. It is more than simply being positive in that leaders understand difficulty occurs and at times failure however, these challenges are not seen as permanent nor do they personalize them.  Optimism builds resilience" (5 Things, 2014). To better myself in the future, I will always apply the art of looking into oneself. The fact that I can do that, sets my aside from other leaders in my field currently.

5 Things Successful Nurse Leaders Do. (2014, April 15). . Retrieved July 10, 2014, from

Smith, M. (2013, September 13). The 7 Characteristics That Set Great Leaders Apart.TLNT. Retrieved July 11, 2014, from

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