Friday, August 15, 2014


Prepare a Blogger entry by reflecting on the following questions regarding your overall experience with the self-awareness surveys:
  1. What do you notice in your results?
  2. How much of this rang true for you?
  3. What did you see that you were expecting in the results?
  4. What were the surprises?
  5. How will you make use of this information?
To begin, I'm not sure I've taken a survey of this magnitude in quite some time. Do to some errors in my first attempt, i had to free hand everything on a separate piece of paper!  My results were actually surprising to me. When I was reading through the questions, I felt as though I had all the "correct" answers and that everyone had to think like me, right? After I finished scoring all of the tests I learned that I am literally all over the place in relation to the "quartile" system the book referenced. For example, in the Cognitive Style Indicator I was in the top quartile while in the Emotional Intelligence Assessment I was in the bottom quartile. To be honest, I was only in the top qaurtile in the CSI assessment. Everything else happen to be in the third and fourth quartile. In relation to it "ringing true for me", I believe that it hit me square on the head. I tend to leave any emotional interference alone in my leadership skill set. I have always had the mentality that if people can't deal with things the way I do, then they are wrong. I however have found that I'm not always right. With that said, I find it important to try and be more emotionally understanding of situations and of people.

This information has made it clear to me that there are areas that I need to seriously pay attention to and that I need to focus on. In order for me to be a well rounded leader, I need to utilize the art of self awareness more. Until this series of surveys, like I mentioned before, I didn't think that anyone would interpret my leadership skills as wrong. I now know that there are some areas of improvement that I need to focus on. I'll try and keep a more open mind as I re-read the chapter again and try and better understand some of the information and techniques discussed.

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