Sunday, August 17, 2014


Describe how your level of self-awareness has changed since you began your MSLD program with respect to the "Five Core Aspects of Self-Awareness" (p. 63)

Core Self Evaluation - Since I began my MSLD studies I have noticed that I have more self esteem and a bit more confidence. The tools I have picked up thus far have allowed me to have a new perspective on everyday dealings that I might not have before. For example, there is a person I work with that has had some issues adhering to the policies of our facility. Prior to taking any MSLD courses, I felt the way in which I tried to help him/address these issues was sub-par. Since I have learned a wide variety of new methods and ideas, I find myself feeling as though some progress is being made with this individual. Ultimately, this has led to me being more confident about my leadership qualities and making me happier overall. Saying I'm a grad student has also given my pride a boost since no one else in my family has ever gone to grad school before. So overall my core evaluation has seen a huge incline.

Values - I have found that although my values are the same as when I started this program, the idea that I'm correct in my thinking and "if you don't agree with me then your wrong" approach has dramatically changed. The change came when I started exploring how there are huge differences in cultural leadership based around a persons surroundings, family, and external influences. Like I said, my values have not changed that much, I still believe what I believe but I can now say that I am getting better at understanding why a person might have contrasting opinions or ideas as me. I think the overall gist is that my value maturity is increasing with my studies. The more I learn to understand people, the more I can apply these leadership techniques and qualities and become a more effective leader.

Cognitive Style - So what I have learned here is that I still have a long way to go in two of the three categories. I definitely fall into the creating style. I think there is some thrill to handling things this way, however I am quick to acknowledge that sometimes there can be negative consequences for not finishing something or making an error to late to fix it. Since I have started the MSLD program, I have become a little bit more of a planner. With all of the work that has to be completed, each week I find myself laying out all of the work and then determining when I will complete it. I've also adapted a few planning techniques to my personal life. I find it important to have a financial plan and a personal plan for my life. Especially now that I have a son. The other thing that I've noticed is that most companies have a structure that they follow. A creative style does not fit into structure that well and if I ever want to be in corporate America, I might want to increase my overall planning skills.

Attitudes Toward Change - Like other areas, I find that my attitude toward change has not seen that much development quite yet. The MSLD program has taught me a number of different techniques to help me adjust to changing environments and what not but ultimately I have not adjusted to the idea that leaders HAVE to be willing to change so much, rapidly. I completely understand that a company would want a leader who can constantly change to the times, technology, and innovation. I totally understand that side of the coin. What I'm not understanding is why they would potentially want us to change our leadership styles. I know that each place and time has a style of leadership required but it has been my experience that a good leader can lead anywhere, anytime. The reading this week said that we may be headed toward a huge change that only happens every two to three hundred years. I'm hoping that the changes are leaning back toward the older style of leadership where the leader, lead and didn't have a million different inputs from everyone and where people wanted to work and didn't think that there job was always secure. There may be change coming, I hope people know that a lot can change, quickly.

Emotional Intelligence - I personally believe that this may be the area in which I've had the biggest change. Like I've mentioned before, I find it difficult to understand why people want to come to work to discuss and do not job related things. In a previous class, we discussed in detail the art of gossip and how that can do good or bad things to a company. I argue that gossip is mostly bad, and for good reason. It can spread like a disease with no factual backing. Putting that aside, I do understand that life happens to people and sometimes there are emotional consequences to people in the workplace. Someone could be having a hard time dealing with a customer or someone could have put to much time into a project that wasn't successful. In cases like those, i have to be able to recognize that people sometimes need support from their leader. I've learned that a good leader can understand what is going on and then apply techniques to help them get through whatever situation they're in. I still think I have some room to grow here.I'm still having a problem understanding why a leader has to "babysit" emotional people at work. I may not be fully understanding the emotional intelligence side of things when I say that but I feel like each and every person should be able to filter what they can and cannot do/say in the workplace. 

I find it interesting that I've progressed as much as I have thus far. The things I've learned are actually taking root in my life and I find that the MSLD program is helping my improve as a person. I look forward to exploring everything that is to come!

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