Friday, December 12, 2014


The Cynefin framework this week really helped me see the way in which I've made decision in the past and it has helped me see how I can make more informed decisions moving forward. In the outline we were introduced to four different ways that a manger/leader can handle different situations; chaotic, simple, complex, and complicated. Each on of those situations calls for a unique interpretation and input from the leader. For this assignment, I am going to give two examples of my experience and how this framework helped me, or hurt me along the way.

First, the simple framework is revolved around "known-knows". This means that there are clear patterns and outlines that people follow and adhere to. In the simple platform, people tend to give direction and then follow it. There isn't a whole lot of variation involved. For my first example, I wanted to focus on my younger years in the Navy. When you're new to any job, in my case the Navy, there isn't a lot of wiggle room on the things you are privy to. When I first entered the Navy, there was a very simple leadership line formed. We knew exactly where we were suppose to be and we knew what was expected of us. There wasn't to much opinion based thinking or leadership for that matter. We were there to get a job done and get it done one way.

Secondly, I wanted to focus on a situation where I was exposed to a complex situation. While I was working air traffic over seas, we were given direction and outlines for what was expected of us, but we were not aware that there was room for adjustment on our part. As time passed, we found that sometimes we have to adjust and focus our attention on thinking outside the box in dealing with unique situations. In a complex situation, there are higher levels of interaction and communication and in my case, in order to be successful, we had to utilize those tools everyday. Last, there is a time for reflection and correction in a complex situation. In the case of fast paced air traffic control, we would always think about the ways things could have been improved or bettered.

The thing I took away from this week is that we are always going to need to know how to deal with situations and apply our leadership knowledge effectively. I now know that we make decision based on unknown situations and past experiences and assumptions. It will be interesting moving forward to determine how each situation applies to the Cynefin framework and apply my gained knowledge in the matter.

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