Saturday, April 4, 2015


What behaviors seemed to help your team successfully complete its task?

In our group, we were able to work together rather quickly to get ahead of task. As team members we showed dedication, motivation and willingness to overcome obstacles in order to be successful. The reading this week states "teamwork implies that all the members are contributing to an overall objective even if doing so means subordinating their personal prominence' (Brown, 2011). I think this week we all showed that we are team players and politely interactive.

What factors inhibited decision-making or problem-solving?

The main factor that lead us to making decisions faster was the motivation to get things set up for the sake of time and the group. We all felt that as long as we were proactive in getting things set up, we could foster an environment for success. One team member, Mark, said it best this way this week, "I think its important to have clear roles and designate task with estimated completion dates, especially when building a project". Getting the jump start on the project was important to us and we took time to communicate and understand each person's goals.
How much time was spent on decision-making and problem-solving?

I don't think we spent a lot of time actually deciding what we were going to do. As team members, we through out some initial ideas and we were able to get a consensus of what other members thought pretty quickly. We determined early on that to avoid any problem areas, we should set up clear expectations that everyone is okay with. That allowed us to move past problem solving into task completion. 

How was information shared among team members?

We used our discussion board to share most of our ideas and thoughts. In a few cases, we all communicated via school email to make sure we have secondary communication lines open as well. When the inputs from team members needed to be shared, we used the file exchange in out group forum area.

How did issues of authority or power affect the team?

I don't know that we had any authority issues in the group. it was determined that we would need a group leader each week and that all of us would get the chance to be that team lead. We took time to discuss how each of us fit into the team and a couple of members volunteered to either submit each project and or to proofread it. We worked those ideas out quickly and efficiently.  

How did collaboration and competition influence the outcome?

Our team did a great job of collaborating with one another from the very start. We did have some small conflict but the reading this week states "if conflict is managed properly, it can actually enhance working relationships and build a positive climate" (Brown, 2011). Personally, I believe that is exactly what happened in our group. Any disagreement was addressed and we all now know that we can share ideas and thoughts constructively with one another.

Did team members make process interventions?

I think in a small way we did. We all shared our input on what has to be accomplished and what needs to be done each week. In a sense we used our own knowledge to determine the best course of action for our group. In our class discussion this week, Phillip Petrazio shared a great example of how he experienced group familiarization. He stated " Initially our assignment was to collaborate as a group over a fictitious problem then do a CI Change Event from the start to the end.  The best team would receive a special prize, and would also be excused from one of the three follow-on CI events we were required to complete for our certification process". (Petrazio, 2015). In his case, he was offered a special incentive to complete the task. In our group, our special incentive is to complete the tasks at hand and to get the best grade possible. As a group we determined that we would all participate to the best of our ability and communicate with one another as much as we can.


Brown, D. R. (2011). An Experimental Approach to Organizational Development (8th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Petrazio, P. (2015, April 2). ERAU Discussion Board [Online interview].

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