Sunday, April 13, 2014


First Situation

The first instance I would mention that helped shape my actions and feelings would have to be when I was 18 and I joined the Navy. After high school I didn't have a clear plan for my future although I always felt like I wanted to be in the military. I had heard numerous stories from my grandfather about how great it was so I felt that was the best choice. The initial stages of the Navy were the most forming. You basically go from a kid knowing nothing to a kid knowing how to somewhat take care of yourself and how to act decently in public. The secondary school associated with the Navy really gave me some meaning. There I learned a bunch of job skill and how to work together with a small group of other students. It was a 16 week program that was designed to teach us entry level job traits for a particular military job. Between that and boot camp, I would say that my outlook on life changed slightly. I found a more diverse culture working around me and a lot of different people with even more different backgrounds. This made me more aware of my actions and feelings toward people and my career.

Second Situation

Secondly, I'm going to combine my marriage and the birth of my son for changes in my life. I still consider myself somewhat young so, the combination of the two have had a lasting impact on me I feel. First, my son is a whole new ballgame. I haven't ever had to care about someone or give someone so much attention before. It makes a more mature adult out of me. I would also say my marriage did that also. I went from a immature single man, to a married man. There are certain compromises and changes that anyone experiences once they get married. All of mine have been for the better! Between my wife and my son, there are not any two more important things in life. They shape how I handle myself professionally and privately. Having a family has in a way made me a better team player. I never understood why people always had an excuse such as "my kid is sick" or "my wife isn't available" before having my family. I now can directly relate to people with a family. That alone makes me a better leader.

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