Friday, April 25, 2014


Based on the readings in the Denning text and the assessment you took in A521.5.1 identify in detail the process of developing and aligning organizational values. Identify the three basic components of an ethical community and discuss how they might be applied in your organization. Are there values that are missing from your organization?Discuss how you might develop those values and also align them with the values of the individuals in the organization.

First is Trust. Denning's text describes trust as "the general expectation among members that their fellows will behave ethically toward them" (Denning, 2011). In the case of trust, I do not think that this element is missing in my organization. I would actually argue that trust is actually the most used element and the most important. Being in the aviation field, I think, has to be all about trust. In my company, we all have to share trust across the board. The company is trusting that you as a controller provide the best and safest service you can, daily. If they didn't trust you, they wouldn't allow you to work. They actually have a lot of different safety measures to ensure they can still trust you too. Just making sure you're up to date on procedures and company policy.

Second is loyalty. Denning defines loyalty as "acceptance of the obligation to refrain from breaching one another;s trust and to fulfill the duties entailed by accepting that trust" (Denning, 2011). I believe that in my company we have a loyalty to one another. The company has different measures in place to prevent it's employees from being exposed in the event of a wrong doing. In my opinion, this is being loyal to the employees. They basically will not sell you out to the media or anyone else when something happens. I think that works both ways also. The lower level, newer people, know that company is constantly looking out for them and they know that they can work without fear of prosecution or annoyance.

Third is solidarity. Denning defines this as "caring for other people's interests and being ready to take action on behalf of other, even if it conflicts with personal interests" (Denning, 2011). In the case of my company, like mentioned above, there seems to be a sense of community and trust established. With that come solidarity. I think because we are all able to trust one another, we can work as a large company effectively and efficiently. I do think there is some room for improvement though. I'm not 100% convinced that the top echelon would come rushing to my every need if I stopped serving their needs. What I mean is, if I'm not willing to play by the rules, they shouldn't;t have to be either. That's probably normal anywhere but an observation none the less. I do think that my company would try and resolve and identify any wrong doings it sees and come to the need of any employee to help them out. I would think that we all have to accept consequences for our actions however.

Denning, S. (2011). The Leaders Guide to Storytelling. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.

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