Saturday, April 19, 2014


I cannot even imagine the amount of times that I have probably ruined my positive message by some sort of nonverbal communication issue. More recently, I have started researching different conspiracies, the food industry and some other interesting things to me. In Messages it describes how someone might try to show someone or some people how knowledgeable they are at a particular subject. The "I know it all" person. I find myself doing that. I have found lately, that because I have done a lot of research on my own, that I am the expert now. I know that is not even the case, but I realized that I was in a way steam rolling the people that I was around. I didn't know it at the time, I wish I would have. This can easily become boring to guests and it can most certainly de-credit me and effect my trustworthiness overall. I also find it interesting that the more intense I feel about something, the more my body reacts naturally. My voice raises, I move my arms and I do get somewhat aggressive. Knowing what I do now, there are simple fixes to help me keep things like that under control. Breathing and consecrating are two ways to help me reduce the stress I think I'm encountering in the situation. I think breathing is the most essential for me. If I can take time to breath, I can take time to catch myself and slow down, understand my guests point of view and interact politely. Lastly, my messages aren't always the most clear. Although I feel like a resident expert on anything I talk about, I can make the information I'm discussion less interesting to say the least. The combination of bulldozing my guests and pushing passionate ideas on them may have led me to be a bad host and could have caused some hard feelings. Lucky for me, most of this happened with family and close friends. I think I have to watch the meta-messages also. I think I'm hinting at something but in reality, I'm creating a negative environment. The combination of all of that can make for a rough gathering. I see now that there are things i need to be working on, every chance I get!

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