Sunday, May 4, 2014


Based on this week's readings from the Denning text, identify the elements of high-performance teams and apply them to teams with whom you have worked in your organization. Next, Identify the importance of shared values and discuss the influence of shared values on your team's performance. Finally, examine the four patterns of working together and detail one positive and one negative experience. What could you have done to influence the outcomes?

To start, high performance teams are something that can not be created or pushed upon a group of people. It seems that they are created when a group of people build off of one another and then preform at a higher level. The group will shape to the situation and grow stronger over the time they spend together. They will all grow individually do to the expertise of each person and lastly they all will share the same passion and drive.

A good example of this in my own personal life would be the time I was deployed to Iraq as a mobile air traffic controller with eight others. In a short amount of time, we were expected to learn a new airport, apply our knowledge and then take over from the group that was currently in place. In this example, the needs of the airport helped shape the situation that we were put in. We, as a team could grasp the seriousness of the event and took our job that much more serious. Like the reading says, we grew stronger together over time. This happened for two reasons; first we had to in order to do our job and secondly, we got use to working with one another regularly. Each one of us brought out the better of each other. We were able to push one another to make them that much better at their job. That created a great success and made us much more effective as a team. Do to that particular situation, we all went on to be successful in our career fields. We were able to adapt, overcome and apply our job skills in a shot amount of time and then become better equipped and more knowledgeable as time progressed.

Last I wanted to mention the work group situation in the four patterns. In the Navy, they have a funny way of partnering people from a wide array of jobs into smaller groups to help them finish a totally different job. In this case, around twenty of us were selected to clean a large amount of buildings after a hurricane. The negative side of this would have been the fact that almost none of us had any experience in this field and the people who did, did not know how to properly teach us how to complete the task. The positive about that situation would have been that after some time we were actually able to complete the task. I guess it was sort of an "on the job training" session as the Navy would call it. Although not put together very well and in a short amount of time, we were able to compleete a somewhat rough task.

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