Sunday, May 18, 2014


So this is an interesting question that could be answered different ways based on what type of situation I am put in. Generally though, I do not have a problem making conversation with strangers.  With that said, I am also not the guy that will randomly talk to someone a lot in a short encounter. Here is an example; last week I was waiting for an elevator. While I was waiting a man just starting talking to me for no apparent reason about a non-related topic. I believe it was about the NBA playoffs. The reason I thought it was funny was because we only were waiting for that elevator for maybe 30 seconds. So am I that extreme, no. I would however strike up a conversation in the event that there may be some extended period of time I might be around someone or perhaps to break the silence of the room. Sometimes I find it very uncomfortable to have complete silence in a room. Most of the time I can't stand it and I swear I would talk to myself if I had to.

To the second part of this question, I think I'm able to adapt to a situation and talk to random people for a couple of reasons. First, growing up, I moved a lot. The constant school hopping and what not created the ability to get to know people quickly. Second would be that I don't like be ignored. I'm not sure why. I would prefer to sit and have lunch with someone and talk to them verse sitting alone and reading a paper. I'm not the guy on the plane in the seat next to you who is completely silent. We're going to talk. Making contact is not difficult for me. I have been known to use icebreakers, trust me there are many woman out there that laughed at me for that! Self disclosure is also something that I use a lot of. To be honest, I feel as though I'm pretty transparent. When my friends talk about finances or something like that, I'm totally open about everything. I read awhile back that if friends and peers shared information they deemed "personal" more often with one another, they would learn a ton! I feel as if I am open about things, people might feel like they can trust me and that I'm not trying to be a weasel. I think that it has to be an important leadership skill to approach people and get things started. After all, that's what leaders need to be able to do! LEAD!

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