Sunday, May 25, 2014


I found this book in general to be very helpful. Chapter 12 is no different. I found the information to be very helpful. The first topic I'm selecting is a leader who participates. I've recently come across a lot of visual references to this particular point. The pictures show a man watching a yelling at people as one form of leadership and the second picture shows the man pulling the rope with the employees. I think that's a great way to describe what is going on. Moving forward, I want to be the leader that is pulling the rope with the employees. It's easy and lax to just watch people do work. It's easy to do nothing and yell. It's harder to be in charge and do work!

Next is the leader who is like a conversation. I've seen it time and time again, a leader who is never wrong and who never can take responsibility for anything. I think the open door policy combined with the equal playing field approach allows leaders to be most effective. I would implement this by basically telling the people under me that I'm always open to suggestion and review as long as it is not malicious or ill intended. Allowing your employees to come to you with issues and to cut back on gossip could be the difference of you being an effective leader or not. After all, you're only as good as your weakest link right?

Lastly, I would like to discuss the leadership set that fits the modern need. I don't think there is anything worse sounding then the Apollonian approach to business. I think that that comes out of the size of a company, at least that's what the reading mentioned. I think that there has to be a way around that situation. A manger or someone in upper leadership should be able to dictate how things are done. I think the last thing people want is to feel unimportant and useless. If a company does not address the need of one individual, how can it be successful or important. I think the last 10 years have shown how the gap between management and generalized workforces have moved apart. While struggling to make ends meet, the employees are not getting any attention while the company leaders were getting huge bonuses. That has to end and in order to grow, you must identify with people at every level.

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