Sunday, May 11, 2014


Relate a knowledge sharing story from your personal experience. Be sure to describe the context of your story.

Not to long ago in the past, while at work, I noticed some small puffs of smoke coming from a building located on the airport property. At first glance it appeared to be smoke that could have been generated by a grill top opening or a car with a lot of exhaust coming from it. Naturally I did not get suspicious of the smoke and I proceeded to work. For some reason the smoke just did not seem correct to me and about a minute later I noticed a lot more smoke that appeared to be coming from a building located on the airport. Moments after that I witnessed a man walking at a fast pace away from the building. The building is only accessed on rare occasions by technicians and it just so happened that a technician was on the airport grounds at the time. Once again, naturally I thought it was that individual walking at a fast pace and once again I was mistaken. This person proceeded to run the entire width of the airport in a very fast manner and ran completely to the other side of the airport. It seemed as though he was running away from the smoke. It did not take me long to notify authorities in which I was on hold for over two minutes before receiving a actual person's voice. I informed that there was a person on the grounds that was not suppose to be and that they were preventing normal airport operations from taking place. Not to my surprise, the man jumped a couple barbed wire fences and disappeared into the crowd around the airport.

To follow up with what really happened, this person actually was traveling in a car at a high rate of speed. He the proceeded to crash the car into a sewer built along the airport fence. His car destroyed over 90 feet of airport fence before coming to a rest. The man surprisingly got out of the car and started running across the airport, fleeing from his accident. He was able to successfully run clear across an airport, jump two barbed wire fences and disappear without every being caught.  Luckily for the police it was actually his parents car and without to much hard work they eventually found out who "he" was. This story just goes to show that you have to be ready for anything at anytime. There was a few misinterpretations on my part which caused a small hesitation in contacting any authorities. All in all, this was not normal and shouldn't have happened this way.

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