Saturday, August 1, 2015


Reflect on the three key lessons you take away from the course. Reflect on your perceived value of this course.
The first lesson I’ve learned is that often times, ethical decisions are based on a number of different contributing factors and that given a situation, people might respond differently. Each person is different. Their past and their experiences help shape who they are today and based on those experiences, they make moral and ethical decisions. Through the course we were often times given ethical choices to make and we all made different choices. It was the reason we made the choice we did that stood out to me the most. I learned that people make choices based on what is best for them, or their perceived notion of being right; not someone else's.

Second, I learned that making ethical decisions is hard. I think we all know that but to actually justify why you would do something or react a certain way is tough. During the class, we were all given the chance to answer ethical dilemmas and justify why we made the choice we did. What I sometimes assumed I would do actually changes as I tried to identify why I would actually do that. I think, thinking about a situation really shines light on why we choose to do something or not. This class has taught me to rethink my ethical and moral choices in some ways.

Lastly, the reading states “the best overall moral practice is one in which normative questions arise from our attempts to wrestle with concrete moral decisions” (LaFollette, 2007). What I think I took away the most is, just because I think something is right, doesn’t mean it is. I don’t mean that in the simplest terms, I mean deep down when we think we are right, we may not be in some situations. The situation and the circumstances will dictate what actions we take to do something, or not to do something. We can all argue about things until we are blue in the face but until we all understand one another and each other’s perspective, we will never truly understand the point of view of the next person. This course has really opened my eyes to a lot of exciting perspectives, judgment calls, and critical thinking objectives. It really did help me to understand why I think the way I do and why I make the moral and ethical decisions I do. I was a true honor to learn about the things we did.


LaFollette, H. (2007). The practice of ethics. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing

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