Saturday, February 8, 2014


This video, along with the information presented made me scratch my head. Initially, my thought was that this cannot be true, American culture doesn't require so much choice. Do we as a society basically demand choice, each and ever day in every facet of our life? I thought about that for awhile. I find myself answering, yes. I do agree with her in this matter. I think back to the parents she mentioned that had sick children that passed away. I do think that the American participants were given a choice and they ultimately blame themselves for that choice. Our culture dictates those choices. The pink nail polish story was also funny and interesting. I think that we make silly observations and choices like that everyday. Pink nail polish is pink nail polish, no? Thinking further into this, how many companies are able to sell things or promote things based on a name brand or a celebrity endorser? The nail polish could be from the same company, in the same bottle and serve the same purpose, but because that endorsement is there, we spend millions of dollars more. This is a huge problem I think. The American culture is based around choice and being able to do what we want, when we want. When people feel as though they are threatened in some way, they are negative reactions and the ability to rationalize correctly is lost. I think that is also why we tend to be thought of as hot headed or gun blazing people.  

The leadership implications to me could get interesting. A good leader needs to understand and give direction in a specific "culture" or workplace. Knowing how to handle and inspire the people under you could turn out to be harder than a person in that leadership role may think. Leadership requires leaders to think critically and to understand why some people might do or operate the way they do, perspective in some ways. The leadership skills that may be successful in one area or company may not be such a good idea elsewhere. Assumptions and feelings toward a specific trend or topic could change regionally, nationally and in small communities. I think that is evident, just look at how adamant people are about their sports teams. Leaders need to be able to adapt and understand who they are working with and for who they are leading. This will undoubtedly lead to a successful leader in the long run.

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