Sunday, February 23, 2014


After my readings this week I've learned that qualitative research is "uses a naturalistic approach that seeks to understand phenomena in context-specific settings". This seems to be a very open definition so I'd like to summarize in my own words, this may assure me that I have the correct grasp of what I've read. As I understand it, qualitative research is the ability to identify information from sources and then having the capacity to report on a topic and also being able to share your research so the reader can identify with the author. This could be accomplished by sharing personal stories or some sort of insight to a personal story that the reader would/could relate to. That would allow the reader to understand my point of view in my research more easily.I do think that the article mentioned that QR has some trustworthiness effect. I would assume that a reader would find the author more trustworthy mostly do to the fact that the author is willing to use personal information to share research.

Personally, as I move forward with career goals, being able to understand leadership is an important task for me. I don't mean the basic idea of a leader, I mean the real differences behind what makes people respond better to one person, verse the next person. QR seems to have a form that people can use that will allow readers or participants to relate to. The reason that seems right, is because people want to identify with someone who shares a general understanding of their life circumstances. I think that QR is important and and that it brings substance to research as opposed to large quantities of information that cannot be related with. By interviewing and observing (like the reading states) a person can form a more intimate observation of the researched parties. I think this is a very good way to due research and a very important tool that I'll take into consideration in the future.

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