Saturday, February 15, 2014


When I first started this course, I didn't really have any perspective into the idea of critical thinking. I always would base judgments and ideas based on experience without taking anything into consideration. It was easy to form conclusions based on my past and background. There was no real depth in my thinking at all. I didn't really have a reason to think about my thinking.

Now, after being involved in this class, I find myself thinking about why I'm thinking what I am. I find it easier to understand other people's perspective or potential reason for thinking the way they do. I think it has helped me not rush to conclusions or form a decision without more perspective or information. This class has opened my eyes to the ability to reason and think more clear. It has become apparent that I formed opinions or conclusions based on mis-information or information that was a fallacy. Moving forward this will prove to be very helpful in becoming a better leader.

Moving forward, I think that practice makes perfect. Using the skills we've been exposed to and applying them daily will help keep me focused and sharp in the critical thinking department. It is obvious that critical thinking is a positive thing to do, therefore, I'll make it a priority to make sure I take time to evaluate my thinking and my thinking habits.

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